Accident date | 24.04.2023 |
Investigation status | Investigation is finished |
Aircraft registration number | RA-20012 |
Place of aircraft departure | |
Airport of departure | |
Intended destination | |
Intended Airport of arrival | |
Accident site | near Yerzovka Lokality, Volgograd Region, RF |
Latitude | N 48°54'28.40" |
Longitude | E 44°37'6.80" |
Aircraft type | ANSAT |
Serial № | 33088 |
Aircraft operator | Russian Helicopter Systems, JSC |
Aircraft owner | |
The date of the completion of the investigation (report) | 27.12.2023 |
Number of fatalities | 1 |
Victims accuracy | final |
Degree of aircraft destruction | the aircraft is destroyed |
Report | Preliminary report (ru) (2.81 MB) Final Report (ru) (3.81 MB) |
Aviation type | Commercial air transport |
Works type | |
Note |
On April 24, 2023 near Yerzovka Locality, Volgograd Region, RF, the accident involving Ansat RA-20012 helicopter owned by Russian Helicopter Systems, JSC, occurred. It is reported that the pilot on board was killed, the rotorcraft was destroyed.
The Interstate Aviation Committee has assigned an Investigation team. The Investigation team has started its work.