14th Session of Air Navigation Coordinating Commission was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on 24-26 November 2016. Representatives of eight contracting states of the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Use of Airspace, representatives of Euro-Asian Economic Commission and a number of leading scientific-production organisations participated in the meeting.
The beginning of the meeting was held as plenary meeting which was opened by the First deputy of the IAC Chairperson S.V. Zayko.
During the plenary meeting the Commission Chairperson K.A. Kleschev and consultant of the department of harmonization in the field of communication, navigation and surveillance V.D. Morozov made presentations on activity of the Commission on harmonization of national programs and air traffic management systems.
Further the work was continued in sections.
Within the framework of "Air navigation" section, the following issues were presented to the participants: reports on advanced technologies in air traffic management systems and aids; issues of roadmap implementation from AIS to AIM; detailed information on aircraft self-contained free satellite geomagnetic navigation system and other issues for development of ATM flight safety considering ICAO recommendations.
In the course of work the participants of "Air navigation" section familiarized with the IAC Accident Investigation laboratory, visited "SPEKTR" scientific and production enterprise and Boeing aviation training center in "Skolkovo" innovation zone.
The following issues were considered at the section: "Aviation meteorological support", analysis of accidents caused by adverse meteorological conditions; regional features of civil aviation meteorological support; maintaining proficiency of aviation forecasters; management system in aviation meteorology. Discussions on "Presentation of documents specifying the requirements for meteorological equipment" and "Certification of meteorological equipment in contracting states of the Agreement" were held. In the course of the section work the visit to Roshydromet Situation center and "IANS Concern" was organized.
The participants emphasized high level of the meeting, informative, interesting presentations and reports.
The Final document was adopted in accordance with the meeting results.