On November 10-11, 2021, under the auspices of the Interstate Aviation Committee, with the support of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Civil Aviation Agency under the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, a meeting of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference was held on the basis of the Kyrgyz Aviation Institute named after I.Abdraimov on the topic “Safe use of unmanned aircraft systems in the field of civil purposes. Training of teaching staff and legal issues”.
During the Conference, by Decision 21 of the Air Navigation Coordinating Commission, proposals on the development and unification of regulatory and legal documents in the field of monitoring, accounting and registration, training and education programs, certification and classification of UAS of the States Parties to the Agreement were approved. It was decided to form an Interstate Working Group (IWG) in the field of UAS with the involvement of the expert community to develop draft legal documents regulating ATM and airspace use by UAS, ensuring flight safety.