About 11th Session of Air Navigation Coordinating Commission
11th Session of Air Navigation Coordinating Commission was held in the Interstate Aviation Committee on 18-19 November 2014. Representatives of the Agreement on Civil Aviation, as well as heads and officials of leading scientific research organisations took part in the meeting.
Attendants were familiarized with ICAO requirements for states, airlines and ATM providers in implementation of altitude hold monitoring programme and states responsibility. States representatives considered the practice of Russian Federation in implementation of altitude hold monitoring programme.
The results of RVSM symposium held in the ICAO Paris Office in September 2014, COG 60/70 decisions, Manual draft ensuring compliance with ICAO requirements specified for operations in RVSM airspace developed by RMA Eurasia were presented to the representatives. Reports on "Development of proficiency upgrade system and implementation of proficiency maintaining system using remote educational technologies" and "Experience of proficiency upgrade and recurrent training of RCNED service specialists on the basis of Air Navigation Institute" were presented at Air Navigation Coordinating Commission.
Perspective directions in the development of proficiency upgrade and maintaining system as well as possibility of training at the level of the ICAO international standards with certification from the ICAO were emphasized in reports.
The report on "Measures in case of unforeseen circumstances in compliance with the IACO requirements of clause 2.30 of Annex 11 "Air Traffic Services" was presented to the participants.
The meeting representatives were familiarized with "Methodological recommendations on implementation of flight safety risk analysis and assessment system in civil aviation in ATM".
In conclusion the discussion of final document
project of 11th meeting of Air Navigation Coordinating Commission, proposals
consideration and approval of Air Navigation Coordinating Commission work plan
for 2015 were held.