ICAO Workshop on Safe Runway Operations
On 14-17 February 2023, within the framework of the ICAO-IAC Project “Development of Operational Safety and Continuous Airworthiness” the ICAO Workshop on Safe Runway Operations was held by ICAO and the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) with the support of “Silkway Airlines”.
The participants of the Workshop included about 140 representatives of aviation authorities and specialists from the leading airports, airlines and air navigation services from the State parties to the Agreement on Civil Aviation and Airspace Use (Agreement) and ICAO European Region, as well as ICAO, IAC and European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (EUROCONTROL) experts.
As part of the of the Workshop programme, the regulatory framework and the main aspects of a systematic approach to flight safety management were considered, including the necessary organizational structures, distribution of responsibility, policies and procedures in compliance with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (Annex 19, Doc. 9859).
The speakers covered in detail SMS implementation, safety culture formation, risk management aspects, presented tools and programs to improve flight safety.
During the Workshop, the provisions of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan, ICAO Regional Aviation Safety Plan and national aviation safety plans, related to runway safety, and recommendations developed by the ICAO Runway Safety Team were discussed.
At the Workshop much attention was paid to the exchange of experience and practical exercises. The listeners took active part in the discussion of the reports on the work of the local airport safety teams, presented by specialists from “Air Gate of the Northern Capital” Ltd. (Pulkovo Airport), the Russian Federation; “Heydar Aliyev” International Airport, Republic of Azerbaijan; “Dushanbe” International Airport, Republic of Tajikistan; “Karakol” Airport, Kyrgyz Republic. In the course of the discussion, experts and specialists from various aviation organizations shared valuable proposals and recommendations on the presented reports.
The participants of the Workshop highly appreciated the relevance and
practical significance of the subject-matter of the Workshop and noted
ICAO-IAC Project efficiency.